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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Melissa Del Bosque writer for Texas Observer re "Postcards From a Cartel City" + Philippe Lucas re cannabis salve, oils and tinctures

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Century of Lies

Alice Huffman, Pres Calif NAACP re bigotry of the drug war + Tony Newman of Drug Policy Alliance re tsunami of drug war info

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Century of Lies

Kris Krane of CannBe, Todd McCormick, former cop Howard Wooldridge rides again, MJ Dr. David Bearman, Phil Smith w/Corrupt Cop Stories & much more!

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Allen St. Pierre the Dir of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, Dr. Mitch Earlywine, M J Borden, Med MJ patient Tonya Davis, publisher Michael Lerner & author Steve Bloom

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

NORML report from Conference in Portland w/Madeline Martinez Dir "World Famous Cannabis Cafe", Steve Dillon Dir of NORML,Steve DeAngelo Dir Harborside Health Center, John Walker of Firedog Lake, Steff Sherrer of Americans for Safe Access & Tristen Reismer reporer for KPOV, Bend Oregon

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Century of Lies

Reports from Portland convention; for NORML with Gary Johnson former Gov of New Mexico, Alice Huffman head of Calif NAACP, Jasmine Tyler of DPA, Neil Franklin of LEAP and Vertel Jackson of Florida NORML

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Century of Lies

Aaron Houston, Dir of Students for Sensible Drug Policy + Eric Sterling of Criminal Justice Policy Foundation & MJ Borden with Drug War Facts

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Alexandra Natapoff, author "Snitching - Criminal Informants and the Erosion of American Justice" + Dane Schiller, reporter for Houston Chronicle, Atty. Tony Serra

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