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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Law Enforcement Perspectives Q&A 2 with Howard Wooldridge of LEAP, Tex Rep Gen Wu, Harris County/Houston DA Devon Anderson, Gary Hale former DEA agent + Caravan for Peace, Texas Hospital provided CBD & Colorado provides full cannabis meds for Alexis

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Century of Lies

This week we continue our look at preparations for the upcoming UN General Assembly Special Session on drugs and hear representatives from the European Union, Canada, and New Zealand, plus a special message from Mary Lynn Mathre, president and co-founder of Patients Out of Time, about their conference coming up in April.

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Law enforcement perspectives Q&A with Howard Wooldridge of LEAP, Tex Rep Gen Wu, Harris County/Houston DA Devon Anderson, Gary Hale former DEA agent

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Century of Lies

This week we feature interviews with Betty Aldworth, Executive Director of Students for Sensible Drug Policy, and Vanessa Caldwell, a member of the New Zealand delegation at the annual meeting of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs in Vienna and co-chair of New Zealand's National Committee of Addiction Treatment.

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Law enforcement perspectives on Drug Prohibition III with Howard Wooldridge at Baker Insitute & at UN in Vienna, Tex Rep Gen Wu & Nurse Mary Lynn Mathre re forthcoming Conf in Baltimore

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Century of Lies

This week we interview Tyler Williams, Outreach Coordinator for Students for Sensible Drug Policy, and Sanho Tree, Director of the Drug Policy Project at the Institute for Policy Studies.

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Law enforcement perspectives on Drug Prohibition recorded at James A Baker III Institute featuring Katherine A Neill of the Institute, Harris County/Houston DA Devon Anderson, Gary Hale former DEA agent (Part 1)

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Century of Lies

This week in preparation for the upcoming UNGASS on the world drug problem, we listen to a debate on whether nations should have alternatives to incarceration for simple possession of drugs, featuring legislators from Canada, Mexico, Nigeria, and Sudan.

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Maryland Delegate Dan Morheim leading way to decrim/heroin injection sites, Katherine Neil of Baker Institute & Eugene Oscapela testifies re drug law change in Canada

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